25 December 2008
looking down
too far to fall
up up up
too high to climb no
i am changed in the light
of the sun
i have a new name
a new face
my eyes are the eyes of the wind
and they have seen
the next step
but i do not understand it
a foothold made manifest
in the rock
a wave crashes
cold wet
higher and higher and higher
will i carry you
with me or will you
stay behind
the sun will show itself
as a heart sends blood through its body
fire and light and life
fill my belly my chest my brain
my arms and legs
constant upward
just as my blood is real
so is the promise
i will stand on mountains
on oceans eternal
where three once stood
still stand
stand always
our hearts will give life forever
23 December 2008
Why I have been in a strange mood as of late.
22 December 2008
another set of words
two bodies hanging above
dancing waters
its dances celebrations of lives
paralleled forever
each inhale a miracle
each exhale a step
closer to perfection
to change or stay the same
one i will do
the other you
a voice cries out
a voice quietly whispers
sink into the sea
cool this troubled mind
breaths held
time moves faster faster quieter quieter
silence stillness perfected
one answer for all
to follow
all answers for one
to follow
i believe the path is paved
in gold
who will walk with me into space and the sea
21 December 2008
I Played Two Shows Last Night
There We Were On The Floor And Sitting In A Chair And Standing On Our Feet As People Walked Away
18 December 2008
Two Posts Today
Skinny Love
Come on skinny love just last the year
Pour a little salt we were never here
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer
I tell my love to wreck it all
Cut out all the ropes and let me fall
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Right in the moment this order's tall
I told you to be patient
I told you to be fine
I told you to be balanced
I told you to be kind
In the morning I'll be with you
But it will be a different "kind"
I'll be holding all the tickets
And you'll be owning all the fines
Come on skinny love what happened here
Suckle on the hope in lite brassiere
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Sullen load is full; so slow on the split
I told you to be patient
I told you to be fine
I told you to be balanced
I told you to be kind
Now all your love is wasted?
Then who the hell was I?
Now I'm breaking at the britches
And at the end of all your lines
Who will love you?
Who will fight?
Who will fall far behind?
closed eyes
why would you choose to cut off your arms
throw them to the sky
i wont be there to catch them i fear
but i will sing
the sounds of angel wings
a breeze a gust
yesterday i stood watching the sun rise over the sea
today its flames sink into the water
the warmth disappears with the light
but i will sing
the sounds of moons and stars
on rocks
in water
will i feel safe in anothers arms
15 December 2008
Airplane Ride Songs for Listening
12 December 2008
too many words to know
the wind
you never knew you were here
but i knew
and i felt you on my skin
and i smelled the salty air
waves on rocks
time passing ten
wind i am alive
pull my mind from space
my heart beats clearly now
a change
your voice stays with me
i will sing your songs
i am the wind and you are the wind
11 December 2008
These are more words from my head.
i could stare at the sky forever and still would it come to me
night night night and stars over blue and white and rocks
reaching above my head toward a thunderous cloud
an answer
a step into the darkest place i've ever seen
i find more light here
the sun
i see right through my hands
my bones my blood
i felt the warmth
i closed the distance
will you be there with me when i come to the surface
an open ocean
breathe freely now
it's only a moment stuck in my brain
eternal now
will you be there with me at the end
09 December 2008
I don't really know what to say about this.
So yeah, I saw it, so now all of you must suffer with me.
06 December 2008
I went to the temple today.
04 December 2008
Hugging Song
I Felt Your Shape
I thought I felt your shape but I was wrong
Really all I felt was falsely strong
I held on tight and closed my eyes
It was dumb I had no sense of your size
It was dumb to hold so tight
But last night
On your birthday in the kitchen
My grip was loose my eyes were open
I felt your shape and heard you breathing
I felt the rise and fall of your chest
I felt your fall
Your winter snows
Your gusty blow
Your lava flow
I felt it all
Your starry night
Your lack of light
With limp arms I can feel most of you
I hung around your neck independently
And my loss was overwhelmed
By this new depth I don't think I ever felt
But I don't know
My nights are cold
And I remember warmth
I could have sworn I wasn't alone
03 December 2008
Things + Stuff
02 December 2008
i just wrote what may be considered a poem
softly spoken whispers
felt inside my chest
believe me she said
certainly i will i said
and so i close my eyes
have i ever been alone
youre not dreaming she said
but this doesnt feel real i said
the twilight the wind the rain
sunlight mountains oceans
i will be here forever she said
how long is that i said
a warm touch a smile
oxygen floods the lungs
you have nothing to fear she said
every word you say is true i said
another whisper
another breath
on and on and on we said
01 December 2008
The Best of 2008
1. Mt. Eerie - Lost Wisdom
2. Why? - Alopecia
3. The Dodos - Visiter
4. F*#^ Buttons - Street Horrrsing
5. Torche - Meanderthal
6. Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles
7. Jaguar Love - Jaguar Love EP
8. Abe Vigoda - Skeleton
9. Harvey Milk - Life...the Best Game in Town
10. Deerhunter - Microcastle
That's my list. If you think I'm wrong, please post yours. Maybe I missed something. I would hate to miss an opportunity to hear more great music.
29 November 2008
I Only Want One Thing, But the Wind Keeps Blowing it Away
Anyway, the music.
* A Sunset Over the Ocean and the Wind on My Face
* There Just Aren't As Many Trees Around These Days to Protect Me From the Wind and the Rain
* First Time Ever I Saw Clouds
* I Do Not Want to See You Hurt Again
* Last I Knew, You Were the Sailboat in My Dreams
* From the Other Side of the Canyon to the Underside of the Stormy Seas and Back Again, Pt. IV
* It's Bees, Man
* Never Again Will I See the Ocean the Same Way You Do After a Thunderstorm
27 November 2008
Music is Pretty Alright
24 November 2008
Peace Out Bentley
I lost one of my best friends today, my dog Bentley. He was 11 years old. He had the cancer. It was time to let him go. I was telling my friend about it and I started crying a little. I felt sad and empty. But thanks, Bentley, for all the good times. You really were an awesome dog. I'm gonna miss you dood. I hope to see you soon.
Right now, I just wanna curl up on the couch and watch a movie - preferably with someone awesome. But that can't happen, so I'll just wait till I go home for Christmas.
22 November 2008
Yo Yo Yiggity Yo

I started writing some new stuff this morning. It's a bit more focused (as focused as noise can get i think without losing that label.) It's really laid back stuff and I'm finding myself paying a lot more attention to the way things come together. I still let "magic" happen and it's mostly improvised, but still, I'm a bit more picky in what I'll let slide is what I guess I'm trying to say. The song I wrote today is called "From the Other Side of the Canyon to the Underside of the Stormy Seas and Back Again, Part IV" As soon as I get some more stuff recorded I'll post them up here for you to download and share with your friends. The next set of recordings is gonna be more of a full-length than an EP. I'll call it I Only Want One Thing, But the Wind Keeps Blowing it Away. You can see the cover above. I'm gonna take my time with this one, so I wouldn't expect anything soon. I promise it'll be worth the wait. Heck, the Madre may even like this one. Thanks for reading. (Assuming someone does.)
18 November 2008
Science + Skeleton Returns!!!

I started making music again. here are a few songs with silly names. enjoy. i am calling this collection of songs Love Love Tuberculosis for those of you who like to have an album name when organizing your music. You should save that incredibly simple album cover as well.
Just To See How It Felt
Fat Calves
Mean = Part Man + Part Shark
Please leave comments. i want to know what you think.
06 May 2008
Good Night Above
So about a week ago, some tool broke into my car and stole my ipod. Luckily, it was covered by my insurance and I am the proud owner of a 160gb ipod. That's 100 more gb than my old one. So thanks to that tool and G- Dub's tax rebate i have more room for more great (or not so great) music.
I started running recently. Usually when I try this running deal I quit after the second day, but this time I stuck it out and it's awesome. Feels kinda good to do something other than sit.
I need to start writing things (poems, songs, whatever) again. I've gotten out of the habit and I'm starting to feel the itch again.
Go listen to Mirah. She's amazing. And on top of that Phil Elverum (Microphones/Mt. Eerie) helps her out, so you know it's gotta be good.
This blog has made absolutely no sense at all and I don't care because I'm pretty sure nobody reads it. I haven't exactly promoted it.
08 April 2008
The Microphones - The Glow, Pt. 2

Favorite Songs
1 - The Glow, Pt. 2
2 - The Moon
3 - Instrumental/The Mansion
4 - You'll Be In the Air
5 - I Felt Your Shape
The reissue of this album also comes with a bonus disc with 20 more tracks. These include alternate versions of the original tracks (or "destroyed versions" as they are labeled clearly on disc 2) and some new songs. Most of the destroyed versions are exactly that. The new songs, however, are amazing. Though, to be fair, I haven't listened to all of the bonus material carefully.
Awesome Bonus Material
1 - I'm Like You Tree
2 - Where Lies My Tarp?
3 - Map/Moon(version)
You can find out more here: http://www.pwelverumandsun.com/
Here's a solid review of this album from the folks at Pitchfork Media. http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/record_review/49606-the-glow-pt-2
06 April 2008
Anacortes, Washington

A few months ago a friend introduced me to The Microphones, the musical project of Phil Elverum. In 2001 he released The Glow, Pt. 2 . I listened to this album nonstop for 2 months. I took a break from it for a few weeks and now I'm listening to it nonstop again. (I won't tell you why this album is amazing just yet. It's being reissued on K Records on Tuesday, so I'll save my review till I can get my hands on it and listen to the 20 bonus tracks.) Simply put, this album takes you to another place, and that place just so happens to be Anacortes.

I mean look at this place. It's beautiful. At the moment this is my number one choice. Portland, Seattle and Olympia are also in the running. I've lived within 30 minutes of Atlanta my entire life (with the exception of two years in Mexico City.) So I'm not entirely sure I'm cut out for small town living. But, if I am, Anacortes is where I'll be.
There are a lot of reasons I want to leave Atlanta. I'm not really willing to put them on this blog for the whole world to see("the whole world" should be read - "friends who are gonna be pissed that I'm leaving.") I just need a new start, and I don't want to have to tell anyone why.